Matt Fremstad

Portfolio English 357


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My remix, “Dream” comes from my inner desire and a desire that many people have to attempt to change the world. I feel it also embodies that sort of rebellious feel that many remixes attempt to have. It begins with Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech in which he says his iconic words, “I have a dream.” This transitions to the world and reasons why I want to help the cause. It ends with a car chasing the dream as an analogy to what I am attempting to do with my life.

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Visual Culture and Language

-matt fremstad

Unpopular: The Controversy of Remix

The Youtube video, “Upular (Pixar Remix)” is a remix using clips from the Pixar film, “Up” to create an audio-visual relationship. The remix was created in 2009 by Nick Bertke of Bertke has also done other remixes as well, many of them originating from Disney animated movies. However, this video takes clips from only from one source, which is potentially risking obvious copyright infringement. It is curious though, that his videos have not been taken down from either youtube or his website. In contrast, the viewing experience of the remix is light hearted and enjoyable to watch. The colors and the music accompany each other well and allow the remix to be successful. Throughout this analysis, I will use the techniques and methods of Scott McCloud and our homemade remix checklist to analyze the composition.

Scott McCloud has many different terms and…

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Pixar Remix

                The Youtube video, “Upular (Pixar Remix)” is a remix using scenes from the Pixar film, “Up” to create a song. The remix was created in 2009 by Nick Bertke of Bertke has also done other remixes, many of them being other Disney animated movies. The video from the movie naturally allows color to become one of the most notable aspects of the remix. I think another factor that allows the remix to be successful in the tone of the song that is created. The music is upbeat, enthusiastic, and cheerful. Throughout this work, I will use the techniques and methods of Scott McCloud and our homemade remix checklist to analyze the remix.

                Scott McCloud has many different terms and methods of understanding visual language. He uses the big triangle to describe whether a composition is realistic, abstract, or iconic. I think that the video in the remix is iconic while the music is abstract. The video uses clips straight from “UP” that approach a degree of realism at times. However, overall I think the graphics in the film are not attempting to be realistic rather than simply representational. This would therefore classify the images as iconic. The music on the other hand sounds and appears to be abstract. It is not really an instrument that most people are very familiar with, being snippets from the human voice.

-Matt Fremstad



Bertke, ND, prod. Upular (Pixar Remix). 2009. Film. 29 Oct 2012. <;.


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DJ Spooky and Kasumi

                “DJ Spooky & Kasumi” is a Youtube video of a DJ Spooky concert in Cleveland in 2005. The visuals were created by Kasumi, a Cleveland based media artist, while the audio was compiled by DJ Spooky, an experimental hip hop musician. The combination of the audio and video is something that is quite common at concerts in recent times. However, this concert seems to push boundaries a little farther. Both the music and the video are rather bazaar, and at times it is difficult to make sense of it all. Through formal analysis using Scott McCloud’s techniques and other vocabulary, we may be able to sort out some of the thought process involved in the creation of the concert.

                Scott McCould’s methods are usually put into practice with word-picture relationships. However, there are no words in this video, just instrumental and images. Of course, the music and the video have their own relationship that could still be described as interdependent. They can be seen as separate ideas, but together they work to create something more. The video switches images with the rhythm of the music as well as adding a visual to portray a particular emotion.  I think the same could also be said for the music, as it could be considered a supplement to the video.

                The music and the video created a collage of sounds and images. These pieces form something new from familiar objects.  



Miller, P. (2005). Dj spooky and kasumi [Web]. Retrieved from


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RIP: A Remix Manifesto

How might remix be relevant to your specific field?

In regards to “RIP: A Remix Manifesto,” I think that remixes and or mash-ups are incredibly relevant to architecture. Every building or structure built today is based on techniques, methods, and styles from the past. These pieces (ex: windows, walls, doors) are just arranged in a slightly different arrangement. In my mind, this view of architecture makes it extremely similar to the processes of Girl Talk’s compositions.  


What elements of RIP might you use?

                I am not completely sure of the specific elements I would use. However, I definitely have a few overarching ideas from RIP that I may use. The “Remix Manifesto,” explains, more clearly, what a remix usually consists of. It seems as if most are extremely fast paced, loud, rebellious, and have a spirit of youth to them. They attempt to stick out rather than be passive. All of which I intend on using in my final product.

-Matt Fremstad

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Photo Essay Proposal

Date: October 8, 2012

To: Prof. Kevin Brooks

From: Matt Fremstad

What’s the topic and the goal of my essay?

My photo essay will be a subject of urban design. More specifically it will attempt to describe what makes a neighborhood walkable and why this is important.


What kind of photos are you taking?

The photos will show both the good and the bad. Street interfaces that are both pedestrian friendly and vice versa. The images will include storefronts, sidewalks, trees, pedestrian lighting, etc. or lack thereof depending on the location.

What kind of research are you conducting to inform this photo essay?

Research will be conducted through urban design books and through the research of other photo essays.


What text is likely to accompany this photo essay? What are the word-picture relationships?

Text will help to describe the specifics of the good and the bad. It will help to describe what creates a sustainable, walkable environment. Together I think that the end result will most likely be interdependent where the text and the pictures work together, but could both describe a story on their own. 

-Matt Fremstad